OurFamilyThyme.com and the Incredible Hurricane-proof Composter

In the interest of truthfulness in advertising I need to start by saying the title is false. FCMP Outdoor cannot honestly claim that any composter can stand up to a hurricane. However, we did hear an interesting story about our HOT FROG Dual Body Tumbling Composter.
A few months ago Richard from OurFamilyThyme.com contacted us looking for some products to review for his new gardening blog. The timing was great as we had just launched our new HOT FROG brand so we sent Richard a few composters he could check out. Everything was going well until the approach of Hurricane Matthew. As a Florida resident I'm sure Richard is used to some extreme weather but the approach of a Category 5 hurricane prompted an evacuation. The OurFamilyThyme.com backyard is full of gardening projects for the blog. Upon returning Richard discovered that one of the only things in the entire yard that didn't budge was the HOT FROG Dual Body Tumbling Composter.
We can't say that all our composters can stand up to a hurricane but as the picture above shows that at least one of them has.
If you'd like to read the OurFamilyThyme.com review of the HOT FROG Dual Body Tumbling Composter please click on the link below or check out the video review on YouTube.
HOT FROG Dual Body Tumbling Composter Review